Our Commitment To The Market
In today’s hyper-competitive market, having the right product mix and availability to address every potential sale is critical to obtaining new business and helping to preserve your bottom line. At Anchor Industries, we understand the importance of product availability. That’s why we go well beyond the traditional popular product sales mix and work hard to ensure we are a first-to-market supplier on late model applications for all vehicles, including domestic and import applications.
Complement our inventory commitment with superior customer service support and you have a winning formula that will help increase your profit opportunities.
Quality Commitment
How Anchor can help you grow your sales!
- 5,000 + numbers available provides industry leading market coverage
- First-to-market: new numbers continuously added at an unprecedented pace
- Electronic Cataloging continuously updated
- Nearly 100% order fill rates & fast turn-around order processing ensure maximum ROI
- More than 75 years of branded experience servicing the aftermarket
The Most Trusted Name In Engine & Transmission Mounts Since 1933!